Friday, June 11, 2010

TIDY THAMES 1 outbound at Greenwich 06/06/2010

Photograph by David Berg
Believed to be a converted Dutch barge
Information Received from Gert Schoustra 24/09/2011
The Tidy Thames 1 is a converted Dutch Barge, but built in Belgium in 1956 as ROSETTE. The shipyard was Engelen Van Landeghem at Buggenhout. Later sold in Holland and named ADMA. In 1989 it was sold to UK. The original length was 39 meters.

1 comment:

Gert Schouwstra said...

The Tidy Thames 1 is a converted Dutch Barge, but built in Belgium in 1956 as ROSETTE. The shipyard was Engelen Van Landeghem at Buggenhout. Later is was sold to Holland and named ADMA. In 1989 it was sold to UK. The original length was 39 meters.
Gert Schouwstra